Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
On this Special Episode of the ASC Podcast with John Goehle, we attend the May 2021 New Jersey ASC Association Virtual Conference and visit with Jeffrey Shanton to discuss New Jersey ASC issues and host a roundtable discussion with speakers at the conference.
This episode sponsored by Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies. For more information, email AHS at info@ah-strategies.com or call John Goehle at 585-594-1167.
Speaker Contact Information:
- Matthew Collins - “What every employer needs to know about legal risk of at risk employment” -
- Brach Eichler - mcollins@bracheichler.com
- Monte Goldstein - “Pre-Operative Screening and Testing
- Virtua, Envision Healthcare MGoldstein@virtua.org; Yomont@outlook.com
- John Karwoski “Protecting our patients and our employees”
- JDJ Consulting - john@jdjconsulting.net,
- Cori Prisco - “Service Lines made easy”,
- Hudson Crossing Surgery Center - cori.prisco@hudsoncrossingsc.com
- Andrew Weiss - “Joint ventures”,
- Virtua - aweiss2@virtua.org
- Clair Cerame - “Embracing Quality Improvement” -
- Positive Outcomes Consulting - ccerame@positiveoutcomesqi.com
For more information about the New Jersey Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers, visit their website at https://njaasc.org/ or contact Jeff Shanton at jshanton@jssurgctr.com
Other Resources from the ASC Podcast with John Goehle:
Register for the ASC Director of Nursing Bootcamp
Register for the ASC Administrator’s Bootcamp
Listen to the Recording of the Fall 2020 Finance, Accounting and Reimbursement Seminar
Visit the ASC Podcast with John Goehle Website
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Patron Members of the ASC Podcast with John Goehle have access to ASC Central - an exclusive membership website that provides a one-stop ASC Regulatory and Accreditation Compliance, Operations and Financial Management resource for busy Administrators, nurse managers and business office managers. Become a member today!