Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
On this Episode of the ASC Podcast with John Goehle, we discuss the Supreme Court Decision on the Vaccine Mandate, the Updated CMS Guidance for the Mandate, discuss recent experiences with Policies and Procedures and in our focus system, discuss Data Analytics with Amit Jiwani, Director, Analytics for Surgical Information Systems.
This episode of the ASC Podcast with John Goehle is sponsored by Surgical Information Systems, SIS – SIS’s mission is To deliver solutions and services that help surgery providers, regardless of care setting, improve their organization so they can deliver the highest level of care to their patients. For more information, go to sisfirst.com.
Resources from this Episode:
- Supreme Court Decision - Vaccine Mandate
- Cloth Masks:
- ALG Health Masks:
- Conditions for Coverage:
- Interpretive Guidelines for ASCs
- Policy & Memos to States and Regions
- CMS Quality Safety & Oversight memoranda, guidance, clarifications and instructions to State Survey Agencies and CMS Regional Offices.
- https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/SurveyCertificationGenInfo/Policy-and-Memos-to-States-and-Regions
Other Resources from the ASC Podcast with John Goehle:
Visit our website at ascpodcast.com for a list of all of our virtual conferences.
Visit the ASC Podcast with John Goehle Website
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