
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
On this Special Episode of the ASC Podcast with John Goehle, we interview speakers and leadership during the New Jersey Association of Ambulatory Surgery Center’s Annual Conference at The Palace at Somerset on April 19, 2023.
This episode is sponsored by Surgical Information Systems, triValence and Ambulatory Healthcare Strategies.
Resources from this Episode:
- NJAASC Website
- Become a Member of the New Jersey Association of ASCs
- Therese Gopaul-Robinson (Get a free Workbook):
- JDJ Consulting (John Karwoski):
- Ambulatory Surgery Center Quality Services (Deb Comerford):
Important Resources for ASCs:
- Conditions for Coverage:
- Infection Control Survey Tool (Used by Surveyors for Infection Control)
- Updated Guidance for Ambulatory Surgical Centers - Appendix L of the State Operations Manual (SOM)
- https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Manuals/downloads/som107ap_l_ambulatory.pdf
- https://www.cms.gov/medicareprovider-enrollment-and-certificationsurveycertificationgeninfopolicy-and-memos-states-and/updated-guidance-ambulatory-surgical-centers-appendix-l-state-operations-manual-som
- Policy & Memos to States and Regions
- CMS Quality Safety & Oversight memoranda, guidance, clarifications and instructions to State Survey Agencies and CMS Regional Offices.
- https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/SurveyCertificationGenInfo/Policy-and-Memos-to-States-and-Regions
Other Resources from the ASC Podcast with John Goehle:
Visit the ASC Podcast with John Goehle Website
ASC Podcast with John Goehle Patron Program
- Benefits of Becoming a Patron Member
- Patron Members of the ASC Podcast with John Goehle have access to ASC Central - an exclusive membership website that provides a one-stop ASC Regulatory and Accreditation Compliance, Operations and Financial Management resource for busy Administrators, nurse managers and business office managers. Become a member today!
The ASC-Central Premium Access Program
- A Premium Resource for Ambulatory Surgery Centers including access to bootcamps, education programs and private sessions
- https://asc-central.com/landing/plans/279136
Books by John Goehle
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